Hive Evening
If you’ve been to Slice + Dice and asked for a 2-player game recommendation, chances are we’ve pointed you in the direction of Hive!
In Hive, each player has one Queen Bee piece. Surround your opponents Queen Bee with either yours or your opponents colored pieces. The first person to surround your opponents Queen Bee wins. It's as simple as that, .... but is it?
Takes a few minutes to learn and a lifetime to master, just like chess.
The lovely folks at Gen42 who make Hive, are coming to host an evening with us on Sunday 12th November. You’ll be taught all sorts of tips and tactics to enable you to become a Hive Master 🐝
We may even host a tournament at the end if enough of you are feeling up to the challenge!
The small print:
Refunds available until 8th November only